Incoming Inspection
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
7. Test all channels: Repeat steps 3 through 5 until all optical input channels
are verified.
After verifying the channels, you can now verify that the time bases function.
This verification is done using a front-panel signal.
One SMA cable, such as Tektronix part number 174-1427-00.
One 10x SMA at tenuator, such as Tektronix 015-1003-00.
One electrical (80E00-series) sampling module.
Prerequisites None
1. Initialize the instrument: Push the front-panel DEFAULT SETUP button,
and click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
2. Hook up the signal source: Connect the SMA cable from the Internal Clock
output through a 10x attenuator to the 80E00 sampling module input
channel 3 as shown in Figure 1--11.
SMA cable from
outputto 80E00 C3input
10x attenuator
Figure 1- 11: Hookup for the time base tests
3. Set up the instrument:
a. Push the Trigger MENU front-panel button to display the Trig Setup
dialog box.
b. Click Internal Clock under Trigger Source in the Trig Setup dialog
box. The Internal C lock rate should be set to 200kHz.
c. Push the Trigger MENU front-panel button again to dismiss the Trig
Setup dialog box.
Verify the
Time Bases Work