CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Waveform databases
behavior with automatic measurements, 3--76
dimensions of, 3--160
BIN7, 3--161
BIN8, 3--161
color, 3--160
display, 3--160
display options, 3--160
EMPH7, 3--161
EMPH8, 3--161
emphasize counts, 3--161
intensity, 3 --160
invert, 3--160
persistence, 3--161
special features, 3--159
To customize display of, 3--164
to set up, 3--162
four database limit, 3 --159
usage limitations, 3--159
vs. vector view (figure), 3--163
why use, 3--159
with intensity display (figure), 3--165
Waveform Display
defining waveforms for, 3--56
keys to using, 3--56
Waveform record, 3--28
definition applied to all channels, 3--20
illustrated, 3--29
control operation vs. sele cted, 3 --57
creating math, 3--101
defining and displaying, 3--56
histograms on, 3--154
including comments with, 3--120
live, Glossary--6
mask testing, 3--141
math, Glossary--6
why use, 3--102
measuring, 3--73
operations on all views, 3--58
operations on selected, 3--56
purpose of mask testing, 3--141
purpose of saving/recalling, 3--120
purpose of taking histograms of, 3 --154
Reference, Glossary--8
testing and statistical tools, 3--141
virtual keyboard with, 3 --120
Web site address, Tektronix, xiii
WfmDB, Glossary--10
horizontal acquisition, Glossary--5
vertical ac quisition, Glossary--9
Windows, 1--3
Safe mode, 1--16
Windows OS, Glossary --10
YT format, Glossary--10
Zoom, fast access to, 3 --55