Displaying Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Mag1 and Mag2 are Magnifying Timebases. The Mag1 and Mag2 time bases are so
named because they cannot be set to a more coarse (slower) horizontal scale than
that of the Main. When set to a more fine (faster) horizontal scale, they can be
thought of as magnifying a segment of the Main time base. In short:
H each Mag time base scale sets the size of an aperture on the Main time base.
H each Mag time base position setting locates the aperture within the Main
time base.
H each Mag time base graticule displays, across its full horizontal width
(10 divisions), the contents of the aperture.
See To Display Waveforms in a Mag View on page 3--64 for a procedure that
demonstrates this operating characteristic.
Horizontal Position and the Horizontal Reference. The time values you set for
horizontal position are from the trigger point to the horizontal reference point.
This is not the time from the trigger point to the start of the waveform record
unless you set the horizontal reference to 0%. See Figure 3--17.
Timeof firstpoint Horizontal
reference point
Timeof lastpoint
Horizontal position
(19 nsmin.)
Trigger point
50 ms max.
Figure 3- 17: Horizontal position includes time to Horizontal Reference
NOTE. The time from the trigger to the time of the first point sampled is the
horizontal delay. Note that horizontal delay is set indirectly by the horizontal
position and horizontal reference settings:
Time of first point = Horizontal Position -- (10 divs x horizontal scale in sec/div x Horizontal
Reference / 100)