Using Masks, Histograms, and Waveform Databases
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
To change the display options of waveform database data on the graticule, use
the procedure that follows:
Overview To customize the database display Related control elements & resources
Prerequisites 1. The instrument must have awaveform assigned to one of
the waveform databases.
See To Set Up a Waveform Database on
page 3--162.
Access the
Wfm Database
Setup dialog box
2. Open the Waveform Database dialog box by selecting
Wfm D atabase i n the Set up menu.
Set Persistence 3. Choose a persistence mode.
Infinite: Choose Infinite t o continue di splaying
waveforms as they accum ulate until the selected
database is cleared manually or by a control change.
Variable: Choose Variable to display accumulated data
in the specified database unt il the user-specifi ed
waveform count is surpassed. Each wavef orm
accumulated beyond the count removes the oldest
waveform accumulated earlier in the database.
Waveforms: For Variable persistence, use the
Waveforms entry box (or the sliding control above it) to
set the Waveforms count. The count applies to the
currently selected database when Variable persistence
mode is set. Ent er values directl y with t his cont rol using
the up/down arrows, t he pop--up keypad, or an
externally connected keyboard.
Samples: The Samples field is a readout sample count
currently in effect for the currently selected database
when Variable persistence mode is set. This count is not
settable direct ly, but instead derives from the product
two values: the current Waveforms setting in this dialog
box and the set ting for Record Length in the Horizontal
Setup dialog box.
To Customize the
Database Display