CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
See Automatic Measurement.
Measurement statistics
The accumulation of a history of individual measurement readouts, showing
the mean and standard deviation of a selected number of samples.
Measurement updating
The process of automatically adjusting the measurement parameters to reflect
changes in the waveform targeted by an automatic measurement.
The waveform middle reference level used in such measurements as Period
and Duty Cycle. Typically set to 50%. S ee Levels Used in Taking Amplitude,
Timing, and Area Measurements on page 3--79 for more details.
The middle reference level for a second waveform (or the second middle
reference of the same waveform). Used in two waveform time measure-
ments, such as the Delay and Phase measurements. See Levels Used in
Taking Amplitude, Timing, and Area Measurements on page 3--79 for more
Non--Return to Zero (NRZ)
A waveform type for of a source to be measured.
OMA (Optical Modulation Amplitude)
The difference between the average power levels of the logic 1 level, High,
and the logic 0 level, Low, of the optical pulse signal. The levels are the
Means of the logical levels sampled within an Aperture of the logical 1 and 0
regions of the pulse. The logical 1 and 0 time intervals are marked by the
crossings of a reference level determined as the Average Optical Power
(AOP) of the signal.
The amount of time a data point remains displayed. There are three
persistence modes available in the instrument: Variable, Infinite, and Color
A visible point on the display. The instrument display is 640 pixels wide by
480 pixels high.
Pop-up menu
A menu that displays when you right click an application element, such as a
channel or its icon, a measurement or other readout. Usually provides quick
access to settings related to the object clicked.
An instrument input device.