Displaying Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Use the procedure that follows to become familiar with the display styles you
can set.
Overview To set display styles Related control elements and resources
Prerequisites 1. The instrument must be powered up, with any waveform
you want to display on screen.
See page 3--24 for acquisition setup and
page 3--48 for trigger setup.
Access the
Display setup
dialog box
2. From the application menu bar, select Setup, and then
select Display. See right.
Select norm al
style, vectors,
and interpola-
3. From the Display Setup dialog box (see right) , choose
Normal to select a displ ay with no acquisition data
Waveforms display with the new data from ongoing
acquisitions repl acing that data i n the same time
intervals/slots but acquired as part of the last, previous
4. Check Vectors to turn on display lines between
waveform dots; uncheck to displ ay onl y dots.
5. Select an Interpolation mode from the pulldown list.
Choose from Sin(x)/x, Linear,orNone.
Set Inte
polation mode
Check for vectors
Check for normal display
To Set Display Styles