Creating Math Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Overview Related control elements & resourcesTo define a math waveform (cont.)
Apply the
6. Once you have defined t he math expression to your
satisfaction, cl ick t he Apply button. Then click on the
OK button to dismiss the dialog box. See To Use Math
Waveforms on page 3--109 for more procedures.
For more
7. Cli ck t he i c on in t he the upper-right corner of the
Define Math di alog box, and then click any dialog-box
control to pop up hel p on that control.
8. Click the Help button in the Define Math dialog box to
access context-sensiti ve overview on math waveforms.
See AccessingOnline Help onpage 3--167 for
overview ofthe onlinehelp system.
End of Procedure
Operations on Math Waveforms
This instrument supports many of the same operations that it provides for
channel (live) and reference waveforms. For example, you can measure math
waveforms with cursors. This section introduces these operations:
H Vertical display scaling and positioning
H Taking automatic measurements
H Taking cursor measurements
Use math waveform operation, such as those listed above, to enhance the
displaying, processing, and analyzing of math waveforms. For example, in
addition to the operations listed, you can save math waveforms as references and
make them the source of either of two onboard waveform data bases.
Some operations allowed on channel waveforms are not allowed on math
H Independent horizontal scaling. Each math waveform that you create derives
its horizontal scale and position from the sources you include in its math
expression. Horizontal controls will not operate with math waveforms.
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