Appendix A: Specifications
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Table A- 1:
System - Signal acquisition (cont.)
Description Characteristics
Small Sampling Mod-
ule Interface
Tekprobe-Sampli ng Level 3. Hot switching is not permitted on this
Large Sampling Mod-
ule Interface
Tekprobe-Sampli ng Level 3. Hot switching is not permitted on this
Total actively-acquired channels ≤ 8.
Table A- 2: System - Timebase
Sampling rate DC-200 kHz maximum, dictated by trigger rate and actual holdoff
setting. If trigger rate is less than the maximum, or the requested
holdoff exceeds the minimum, the trigger rate and/or holdoff will dictate
the sampl ing rate.
Record length
20, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1,000, 2,000, or 4,000 samples.
Horizontal scale
1 ps/div to 5 ms/ div in 1, 2, 5 steps or 1 ps increments. Maximum
record lengt hs appl y at certain ranges (per table, below).
Scale set to an integer multiple of: Maximum record length
1 ps/div 1000
2 ps/div 2000
4 ps/div 4000
Horizontal position
50 ms maximum.
Horizontal resolution 10 fs minimum
Horizontal position
setting resolution
1 ps minimum
Horizontal m odes Two modes, Short Term Optimized and Locked to 10 MHz Reference.
The 10 MHz reference may be int ernal or external.
n Time internal ac-
curacy, short term
optimized mode
Strobe placement accuracy f or a given horizont al interval and posi tion
on same strobe li ne per table below. (Contribution from 80E04
sampling module is included in specificati on.)
Range Time Interval Accuracy
≤ 20 ps/div 1 ps + 1% of interval
≥ 21 ps/div 8 ps + 0.1% of interval