Using Masks, Histograms, and Waveform Databases
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Overview Related control elements & resourcesTo take a hi stogram (cont.)
Set histogram dis-
play options
8. Use the Hi stogram t o turn on and off the display of the
selected histogram (hist ogram count ing remains
enabled). Use the col or list to select a color for the
histogram. Select a val ue in the Size box to adjust t he
histogram display on screen.
9. Select Li near to display histogram data linearly. Bin
counts are scaled linearly by divi ding t he bin count by
the maximum bin count.
10. Select Logarithmic to display histogram data logarithmi-
cally. Bin counts are scaled logarithmically. Logarithmic
scaling provides better visual det ails for bi ns wi th low
Set histogram limit
11. Use the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right boxes to set the
size and location of the hist ogram box. The hist ogram
box selects the section of the waveform used for
12. Select Absolute to use units based on the source
waveform. Sel ect % to display the histogram box as a
percentage of the graticule. This display setting
considers the top-left corner of the graticule to be 0,0
and the bot tom-right corner to be 100,100.
Tip. It i s quicker to use the mouse or touchscreen to
drag to size the histogram box on screen, then fine tune
the values if needed with the Limit Controls.
End of Procedure