Creating Math Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
You can adjust these controls for the source waveforms and your adjustments
will reflect in the math waveform as the sources update. You can also
magnify math waveforms using the Mag1 or Mag2 derived time bases.
H Independent vertical offset. You cannot adjust the offset for a math wave-
form; you can adjust the offset of channel waveforms used as sources to a
math waveform.
H Explicit gating of waveforms. The entire math waveform is used as input to
the automatic measurement system.
Basically, you use the same techniques to work with math waveforms that work
with channel w aveforms. The key points that follow describe operating
considerations to take into account when using math waveforms.
Source Considerations. In general, be aware that changes to source waveforms
that you include as math-expression operands are reflected in the math wave-
form. See Source Dependencies on page 3--104.
Display Considerations. Turn on and off the display of math waveforms like you
do channel and reference waveforms. Use the same front-panel controls
(waveform selection buttons, vertical position and scale knobs) and application
controls (waveform control bar elements at the bottom of the display; vertical
setup menu). Mouse operation for positioning waveforms on screen work also.
As is true for channel and reference waveforms, turning a math waveform on or
off in any time base display, Main, Mag1, or Mag2, also turns it on or off in all
the time bases.
Keys to Using