Acquiring Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
H Set horizontal scale, position, and resolution (record length) so that the
acquired waveform record includes the signal attributes of interest with good
sampling density on the waveform. The settings you make define the
horizontal acquisition window, described in Horizontal Acquisition Window
Considerations on page 3--17. (“Good sample density” might be at least
five samples on each waveform transition when acquiring for timing
measurements. The trade off for increased sample density is increased time
to acquire.)
NOTE. Waveform data outside the vertical acquisition window is clipped; that is,
the data is limited to the minimum and/or maximum boundaries of the vertical
acquisition window. This limiting can cause inaccuracies in amplitude-related
measur ements. See Vertic al Acquisition Window Considerations on page 3--14.
Trigger and Display. Set basic trigger controls to gate waveform acquisition, and
use the display to interactively set scale, position, and offset waveforms. See the
sections Triggering on page 3--39 and Displaying Waveforms on page 3--53.
Selected Waveform. Many of the controls of this instrument, especially the
vertical controls, operate on the selected waveform. The instrument applies all
actions that only affect one waveform at a time, such as applying a changes to
the vertical control settings, to the selected waveform.
NOTE. You can select a channel waveform, a math waveform, or a reference
waveform. The procedures here describe how to select and set up channel
waveforms for acquisition. See Displaying Waveforms on page 3--53 for
information regarding using the controls for adjusting display of reference and
math waveforms.