Honeywell 6000 Cell Phone User Manual

7 - 4
Using File Explorer
If a specific program is not found, you can either use File Explorer on the terminal to move the program or ActiveSync on a
workstation to create a shortcut of a program and place the shortcut in the Start menu folder.
Note: It is recommended that you Copy and Paste a shortcut so that program settings are not changed by accident. Use the
Copy and Paste shortcut to help make sure program files stay where they must be for a system to find them.
1. Tap > File Explorer.
2. Navigate to My Device > Program Files.
3. Use the stylus to tap and hold the program. A pop-up menu appears.
4. Tap Copy on the pop-up menu.
5. Navigate to the Windows folder and open the Start Menu (My Device > Windows > Start Menu). Then tap and hold a blank
area in the window, and tap Paste Shortcut on the pop-up menu.
Enter contact information.
This information appears on the Home screen.
Phone When the GSM radio is turned on, tap this icon to set up user settings and
enable or disable the vibrator function. See Setup Options on page 9-5 for
system notifications.
Icon Description