SSccrreeeenn IIccoonnss
When the phone is powered on, the top line of the LCD screen
displays icons indicating the status of the phone.
To see the icons below, go to Menu->Toolbox->Settings->Phone
Info-> Icon Glossary.
Signal Strength Indicator. The strength of the signal received
by the phone is indicated by the number of bars displayed.
Roaming Indicator. The phone is outside of the home service area.
Indicates your Disney connection is active (data is being transferred).
Camera or Picture is activated
Battery Indicator. Indicates battery charge level.
Indicates ringtone volume is set to vibrate.
In Use Indicator. A call is in progress. No icon indicates
the phone is in standby mode.
No Service Indicator. The phone is not receiving a system signal.
Indicates you have voicemail messages.
Indicates you have new pix messages
Speaker On.
Dialed Calls.
Received Calls.
Missed Calls.
Location On. Location Off.
TTY mode.
Low Battery
New Messages
Indicates Ringtone Off/Silent: All mode is set.
Indicates ringtone and
vibrate mode is set.
Camcorder or Video
is activated
Indicates you have new text messages.
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1. Press and hold until the display turns off.
SSiiggnnaall SSttrreennggtthh
Call quality depends on the signal strength in your area. The
signal strength is indicated on the screen as the number of
bars next to the signal strength icon: The more bars, the
better the signal strength. If the signal quality is poor, move
to an open area. If you are in a building, the reception may
be better near a window.
NOTE: Like any other radio device, avoid any
unnecessary contact with the antenna while your
phone is on.
o Via Bluetooth