LG Electronics DM L200 Cell Phone User Manual

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2. Groups
Allows you to view your grouped Contacts, add a new group,
change the name of a group, delete a group, or send a message
to everyone in the selected group.
1. Press Right Soft Key
, , .
2. Scroll to
and press .
3. Scroll through the group titles using .
To display entries belonging to a group, highlight the group
and press .
4. To display an entry within the group, highlight it and press
3. Speed Dial
Allows you to view your list of Speed Dials or designate Speed
Dials for numbers entered in your Contacts.
1. Press Right Soft Key
, , .
2. Use to highlight the Speed Dial position (or enter the
Speed Dial digit), then press .
3. Use to highlight the Contact, then press .
A confirmation message is displayed.
4. Voice Dial
Allows you to view your list of Voice Dials or designate Voice Dials
for numbers entered in your Contacts.
1. Press Right Soft Key
, , .
2. Scroll through voice dial entries using , or you can also
RReeccoorrdd NNeeww
DDeelleettee AAllll
The Contacts menu allows you to store names, phone
numbers and other information in your phone’s memory.
AAcccceessss aanndd OOppttiioonnss
1. Press Right Soft Key
2. Press
3. Select a sub-menu.
1. Find/Add Entry
2. Groups
3. Speed Dial
4. Voice Dial
5. Services
1. Find/Add Entry
Allows you to view your Contacts list.
1. Press Right Soft Key
, , .
2. Scroll to
NNeeww EEnnttrryy
and press .
3. Enter a name for the new entry and press .
4. Scroll to
AAdddd NNuummbbeerr
, enter the phone number, then
press .
5. Scroll down to additional fields and enter or edit
information as desired.
6. Press Left Soft Key