72 73
To buy with or without previewing:
1. After choosing your content, select
and press
The purchase price will now be displayed.
2. Select the price and press
FFoorr IImmaaggeess,, RRiinnggttoonneess aanndd TThheemmeess::
After “Download Complete” appears, the message “Assign?”
will be displayed. You can select Continue Shopping, Exit, or
choose to assign your download Now or Later. Downloaded
images, ringtones or themes are saved and accessible via
the “Entertainment” menu option. Please refer to the images,
ringtones and themes sections for details on assigning
images, ringtones and themes.
FFoorr GGaammeess aanndd AApppplliiccaattiioonnss::
After “Download Complete” appears, the “Shop [CONTENT]”
screen will be displayed. Downloaded games or applications
are now saved and accessible via the “Entertainment” menu
Content (ringtones, graphics, games, themes, etc.) are
not refundable.
NOTE: Though you can delete purchased content, some
pre-loaded images, ringtones, themes, games and
applications cannot be deleted.
77.. WWeebb
NOTE: Access limited to a selection of websites on the
Disney Mobile network. Availability of sites and access
is subject to system limitation and may be changed
without notice.
TToo llaauunncchh yyoouurr BBrroowwsseerr
From Entertainment, use the NAV KEY to select
Ringtones,Images, Theme It, Games or Applications, Web
and press OK.
Your Browser launch and the your browser home page will
While connecting, the following will appear on the screen:
Web Connecting....
If you had a previous your data services connection, the
last page you visited will display when you launch your
When this occurs, you may not see the “Connecting...”
message when you launch the session. Though the browser
is open, you are not currently in an active data session - that
is, no data is being sent or received. As soon as you navigate
to another page, the active session will launch and you will
see the “Connecting...”message.
NNaavviiggaattiinngg tthhee WWeebb
Navigating through menus and Web sites during a your data
services session is easy once you've learned a few basics.
Here are some tips for getting around: