LG Electronics DM L200 Cell Phone User Manual

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During a your data services session, the bottom line of your
phone's display contains one or more softkeys.
These keys are shortcut controls for navigating around the
Web, and they correspond to the softkey buttons directly
below the phone’s display screen.
To use softkey. Press the desired softkey button. (If an
additional pop-up menu appears when you press the softkey
button, select the menu items using your keypad [if they’re
numbered] or by highlighting the option and pressing .)
Scrolling. As with other parts of your phone's menu, you'll
have to scroll up and down to see everything on some Web
TToo ssccrroollll lliinnee bbyy lliinnee tthhrroouugghh WWeebb ssiitteess::
Press the navigation key up and down.
TToo ssccrroollll ppaaggee bbyy ppaaggee tthhrroouugghh WWeebb ssiitteess::
Press the volume buttons on the side of the phone
Once you've learned how to use softkeys and scroll, you can
start navigating the Web.
To select on-screen items: Use the navigation key to
highlight the desired item, then press the desired softkey
button (or press ).
Links, which appear as underlined text, allow you to jump to
different Web pages, select special functions, or even place
phone calls.
TToo sseelleecctt lliinnkkss
HHiigghhlliigghhtt tthhee lliinnkk aanndd pprreessss tthhee aapppprroopprriiaattee ssooffttkkeeyy..
If the items on a page are numbered, you can use your keypad
(number keys) to select an item. (The tenth item in a numbered
listmay be selected by pressing the 0key on your phone’s keypad,
even though the number 0 doesn’t appear on the screen.)
GGooiinngg BBaacckk
TToo ggoo bbaacckk oonnee ppaaggee::
Press the BACK key on your phone.
The BACKkey is also used for deleting text (like a BACKSPACE key)
when you are entering text.
You'll find that the left softkey is used primarily for selecting items.
This softkey is often labeled “OK.”
GGooiinngg HHoommee
To return to the your data services home page from any other
WWeebb ppaaggee
Press .
Press Menu(right softkey) and select Home.