56 57
NOTE: Family Monitor services are only available within
Disney Mobile’s coverage area. They are not available or
active when roaming, nor will roaming usage be tracked or
NOTE: Voice, text messaging and pix messaging usage will
continue unless service is suspended via Call Control after
receiving alerts.
FFaammiillyy AAlleerr tt!!
SSeerr vviicc ee
Family Alert! helps keep your family connected by allowing you to
send priority messages that will appear on the recipient’s main
phone screen as soon as they are received. Create new messages
or choose any of the pre-loaded QuickAlerts, and then press OK to
“alert” one or more family members simultaneously.
NOTE: Messages can be sent to and from Disney Mobile family
members regardless of Call Control restrictions.
AAcccceessssiinngg FFaammiillyy AAlleerrtt!!
1. Press
, select
FFaammiillyy CCeenntteerr
and press
2. Select
FFaammiillyy AAlleerrtt!!
and press
NOTE: You can also send Family Alert! Messages from the
Family Center at
NOTE: See page 23, Entering and Editing Information, for more
details on entering letters, numbers and symbols.
FFaammiillyy MMaannaaggeerr::
For up-to-the-minute usage information on
the Family Manager’s phone:
1. From
FFaammiillyy MMoonniittoorr
, select
VViieeww UUssaaggee
and press
2. An
UUppddaattiinngg UUssaaggee
message will appear briefly while the
phone gets up-to-the minute usage information for all
family members on your plan.
3. Select
and press
4. Press up/down NAV KEY to select
VVooiiccee,, TTeexxtt,, PPiixx
5. Usage information appears at the bottom of each screen.
6. You can also set allowances from this screen – follow the
setting allowances instructions.
OOtthheerr FFaammiillyy MMeemmbbeerrss’’ PPhhoonneess::
All other family members can only view, not edit, their
personal allowances and usage.
1. From Family Monitor, select
MMyy SSppeennddiinngg
and press
2. Use up/down NAV KEY to view allowances and
voice/text/pix/download usage.
NOTE: The Family Manager can also monitor usage
and set usage allowances from the Family Center at
RReecceeiivviinngg SSppeennddiinngg AAlleerrttss
When a Family Member under the age of 18 reaches a
spending allowance, a Spending Alert pop-up message will
appear on both their phone and the Family Manager’s phone.