24 25
2. Press .
5551212 is displayed.
UUssiinngg SSyymmbbooll TTeexxtt IInnppuutt
1. Press Right Soft Key to change to Symbols mode.
2. Press Right Soft Key
to view the next 12 symbols or Left
Soft Key
to view the previous 11 symbols.
3. Use to highlight the special character you want to insert and
press to select it.
UUssiinngg WWoorrdd MMooddee TTeexxtt IInnppuutt
To type the message “Call the office” follow these steps:
1. Press Right Soft Key to change to Word mode.
2. Press .
3. Press to complete the word and add a space.
4. Press
Call the office is displayed.
UUssiinngg tthhee NNeexxtt KKeeyy
After you have finished entering a word, if the word displayed is not
the one you want, press to display additional choices of words
from the database.
1. Press .
Good is displayed.
2. Press .
The display gives you additional choices such as:
Home, Gone,
, etc.
44.. SSyymmbboollss MMooddee --
Use to insert special characters or
punctuation. There are 35 special characters.
55.. CChhaannggiinngg LLeetttteerr CCaassee --
Using Word and Abc text input
modes, you can set the capitalization. Press to reach
the following:
IInniittiiaall CCaapp ((WWoorrdd // AAbbcc))
- Only the first letter is capitalized
and subsequent letters are lower case.
CCaappss LLoocckk ((WWoorrdd // AAbbcc))
- All letters are capitalized.
LLoowweerr CCaassee ((WWoorrdd // AAbbcc))
- All letters are in lower case.
Text Input Examples
Display the text modes and select a text mode:
1. In a text entry field, press Right Soft Key to display text
2. Press to highlight the text input mode you want
to use.
3. Press to select the highlighted text input mode.
UUssiinngg AAbbcc ((MMuullttii--ttaapp)) TTeexxtt IInnppuutt
1. Press
RRiigghhtt SSoofftt KKeeyy
to change to Abc mode.
2. Press to change to ABC Caps Lock.
3. Press .
LG is displayed.
UUssiinngg 112233 ((NNuummbbeerrss)) TTeexxtt IInnppuutt
1. Press Right Soft Key to change to 123 mode.