MMaakkiinngg CCaallllss
1. Make sure the phone is turned on. If not, press for
about 3 seconds.
2. Enter the phone number (include the area code if needed).
3. Press .
lf the phone is locked, enter the lock code.
CCaallll FFaaiilleedd
indicates the call did not go through.
4. Press to end the call.
CCoorrrreeccttiinngg DDiiaalliinngg MMiissttaakkeess
If you make a mistake while dialing a number, press
once to delete the last digit entered or hold down for at
least 2 seconds to delete all digits.
RReeddiiaalliinngg CCaallllss
Press twice to redial the last number. The last 50
numbers dialed are stored in the call history list and can be
accessed for redial by pressing and using the down
navigation key until you reach the desired number and
pressing again.
RReecceeiivviinngg CCaallllss
When the phone rings or vibrates, press to answer.
Press to end the call.
NOTE: If you press or (the side keys) while the
phone is ringing, the ringing or vibration is muted for
that call.
MMuuttee FFuunnccttiioonn
The Mute function prevents the other party from hearing your
voice, but allows you to hear the other party.
MMuuttee QQuuiicckk AAccttiivvaattiioonn
Select Mute during a call.
MMuuttee QQuuiicckk CCaanncceellllaattiioonn
Select Unmute again.
VVoolluummee QQuuiicckk AAddjjuussttmmeenntt
Use the side keys to adjust the earpiece and master
volumes. The upper key increases the volume and the lower
key decreases the volume.
NOTE: Earpiece volume can be adjusted during a call.
Ringtone volume can be adjusted when phone is idle.
CCaallll WWaaiittiinngg
Your cellular service may offer call waiting. While a call is in
progress, two beeps indicate another incoming call. When call
waiting is enabled, you may put the active call on hold while you
answer the other incoming call. Check with your cellular service
provider for information about this function.
To Use Call Waiting:
1. Press to receive a waiting call.
2. Press again to switch between calls.
CCaalllleerr IIDD
Caller ID displays the number of the person calling when your
phone rings. If the caller’s identity is stored in Contacts, the
name appears on the screen. Check with your service provider
to ensure they offer this feature.