
Searching Your Phone’s Memory
The DM-L200 is able to perform a dynamic search of the contents in
your phone’s memory. A dynamic search compares entered letters
or numbers against the entries in your Contacts. A matching list is
displayed in ascending order. You can then select a number from
the list to call or edit. There are several ways to search:
SSccrroolllliinngg AAllpphhaabbeettiiccaallllyy TThhrroouugghh YYoouurr CCoonnttaaccttss
from the Main Menu, and select
FFiinndd//AAdddd EEnnttrryy
2.Use to scroll through the list.
MMaakkiinngg aa CCaallll FFrroomm YYoouurr PPhhoonneess MMeemmoorryy
Once you have stored phone numbers in your Contacts, you can
place calls to those numbers quickly and easily.
By pressing after searching for a phone number
in Contacts or Recent Calls and highlighting it.
By Using Speed Dialing.
FFrroomm CCoonnttaaccttss
1. Select
from the Main Menu, and select
FFiinndd//AAdddd EEnnttrryy
2. Use to select the phone number.
3. Press to place the call.
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Phone Numbers with Pauses
When you call automated systems such as Voicemail or credit billing
numbers, you often have to enter a series of numbers. Instead of
entering these numbers by hand, you can store the numbers in your
Contacts separated by special pause characters (P, T).
There are two different types of pauses you can use when storing
a number:
HHaarrdd PPaauussee ((PP))
The phone stops dialing until you press to advance
to the next number.
22--sseecc PPaauussee ((TT))
The phone waits 2 seconds before sending the
next string of digits.
SSttoorriinngg aa NNuummbbeerr wwiitthh PPaauusseess
1. Enter the number and highlight the
HHaarrdd ppaauussee// 22--sseecc ppaauussee
then press .
2. Enter the second set of numbers.
3. Scroll to
and press .
4. Select
NNeeww EEnnttrryy//EExxiissttiinngg EEnnttrryy
, then press .
5. Add more Entry information and press Left Soft Key
if you want to further customize.
Scrolling Alphabetically
Searching by Letter
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