AAcccceessss aanndd OOppttiioonnss
1. Press Right NAV KEY or Press Right Soft Key
2. Press
3. Select a sub-menu.
11..CCaallll HHiissttoorryy
22.. VVooiicceemmaaiill
33.. CCrreeaattee MMeessssaaggee
44.. IInnbbooxx
55.. OOuuttbbooxx
66.. DDrraaffttss
Text messages, pages, and the Voicemail box become available as
soon as the phone is powered on.
Check types of messages by pressing the message key.
Make a call to the callback number by pressing
during an Inbox message check.
Read and edit messages saved in the outbox after
transmission and resend them.
The phone can store up to 30 inbox messages. (Outbox: 10
messages, Drafts box: 10 messages) The DM-L200 supports up to
160 characters per message. The information stored in the message
is determined by phone mode and service capability. Other limits to
available characters per message may exist. Please check with your
service provider for system features and capabilities.
40 41
3. To display an entry, highlight it and press .
PPllaayy // RRee--rreeccoorrdd // DDeelleettee
and press .
5. Services
Your Contacts list is preprogrammed with contact numbers
for various Disney Services.
1. Press Right Soft Key
, , .
2. Select
GGuueesstt SSeerrvviicceess,, DDiirr AAssssiissttaannccee,, RRooaadd AAssssiissttaannccee,,
CChheecckk UUssaaggee..
3. Press to place the call.
TToo ddiiaall aa sseerrvviiccee ffrroomm ssttaannddbbyy mmooddee uussiinngg yyoouurr kkeeyyppaadd::
Dial the appropriate service number:
GGuueesstt SSeerrvviicceess ––
DDiirr AAssssiissttaannccee ––
RRooaadd AAssssiissssttaannccee ––
CChheecckk UUssaaggee ––