
94 95
1. From the Security menu, scroll to
LLoocckk PPhhoonnee
press .
2. Highlight
LLoocckk NNooww
and press . (To set your phone
to lock the next time it is turned on, select
OOnn PPoowweerr
and press .)
66..22 CChhaannggee LLoocckk CCooddee
Allows you to enter a new 4-digit lock code.
1. From the
menu, scroll to
CChhaannggee LLoocckk CCooddee
and press .
2. Enter your new lock code.
3. Re-enter your new lock code.
66..33 SSppeecciiaall NNuummbbeerrss
You can save up to ten special numbers in addition to your
Contacts entries (the same number may be in both directories).
1. From the Security menu, scroll to
SSppeecciiaall NNuummbbeerrss
and press .
2. Select a location for your entry and press .
3. Enter the number and press .
66..44 DDeelleettee CCoonnttaaccttss
You can quickly and easily erase all of the contents of
your Contacts.
1. From the Security menu, scroll to
DDeelleettee CCoonnttaaccttss
press .
2. If you are certain you would like to erase all of your internal
Contacts entries, select
and press .
66..55 SSeelleeccttiivvee CCaallll BBlloocckk
You can enable Call Block for selected calls that you do not
wish to answer.
1. From the Security menu, scroll to
SSeelleeccttiivvee CCaallll BBlloocckk
press .
66..66 RReesseett PPhhoonnee
Resetting the phone restores all the factory defaults, including
the ringer types and display settings. The Contacts, Call History,
Scheduler, and Messaging are not affrected.
1. From the Security menu, scroll to
RReesseett PPhhoonnee
and press .
77.. SSeettuupp//OOtthheerrss
77..11 SShhoorrttccuuttss
Your phone offers you the option of assigning a navigation key
shortcut to a favorite or often-used function. Once you assign the
key (Up, Down, Right, or Left), you can then press the NAV KEY in
standby mode to launch your personally designated shortcut.
1. Press Right Soft Key
, , , , .
(An informative window displays.)
2. Read the information and press .
3. Select
LLeefftt NNaavviiggaattiioonn,, RRiigghhtt NNaavviiggaattiioonn,, UUpp NNaavviiggaattiioonn
, or
DDoowwnn NNaavviiggaattiioonn
and press .
4. Use your NAV KEY to select the desired shortcut
and press .
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