Scroll to [Delete All] and press OK, and select [Yes] to
delete all quicknotes except defaults.
TToo aadddd aa nneeww QQuuiicckknnootteess ::
1. Press Right Soft Key
, , , , .
(The list of preset messages displays.)
2. To add a new preset message, scroll to Add New and
press .
3. Enter your message, and press . (Your new
message will be added to the end of the list.)
55.. BBlluueettooootthh®®
55..11 PPoowweerr
By default, your device’s Bluetooth functionality is turned
off. Turning Bluetooth on makes your phone visibility by
other in-range Bluetooth devices.
1. Press Right Soft Key
, , , , .
2. Press the NAV KEY up or down to select
press to enable Bluetooth.
55..22 VViissiibbiilliittyy
The visibility section of the Bluetooth settings menu
allows you to manage your availability to other Bluetooth
1. Press Right Soft Key
, , , , .
2. Select your desired Visibility setting and press:
VViissiibbllee ffoorr 33 MMiinn
AAllwwaayyss VViissiibbllee
92 93
NOTE: Any changes you make to your Bluetooth settings will
be saved to the current profile when you exit the Bluetooth
Settings menu.
55..33 BBlluueettooootthh IInnffoo
Allows you to select a Bluetooth name for your phone. Your
phone’s Bluetooth name will appear to other in-range Bluetooth
devices, depending on your Visibility settings.
1. Press Right Soft Key
, , , , .
2. Select Left Soft Key
3. Press to clear the current name.
4. Use your keypad to enter a new name and press to
and exit.
66.. SSeeccuurriittyy
All of your phone’s security settings are available through the
Security menu. You must enter your lock code to view the Security
menu. By default, your lock code is the last four digits of your
mobile number.
1. Press Right Soft Key
, , , .
2. Enter your lock code to display the Security menu.
66..11 LLoocckk PPhhoonnee
Keeps your phone from unauthorized use. Once the phone is
locked, it is in restricted mode until the lock code is entered. You
can receive phone calls and still make emergency calls.
You can modify the lock code using the Change Lock Code within
the Security menu: