90 91
44.. MMeessssaaggiinngg
Your phone’s messaging settings make text messaging even
faster and easier. Now you can choose how you would like to
be notified of new messages, automatically append a callback
number and/or a customized signature with each outgoing
message, and create and edit your phone's quick notes.
44..11 NNoottiiffiiccaattiioonn
When you receive a text message, your phone notifies you
by displaying an icon on your display screen. You can also
choose to have the entire text message pop up on your
display screen.
1. Press Right Soft Key
, , , , .
2. Select
MMeessssaaggee && IIccoonn
IIccoonn OOnnllyy
and press .
44..22 AAuuttoo DDeelleettee
Allows you to automatically delete read messages when
you exceed the storage limit.
1. Press Right Soft Key
, , , , .
2. Select
and press .
44..33 SSiiggnnaattuurree
Each message you send can have a customized signature
to reflect your personality.
1. Press Right Soft Key
, , , , .
2. Select
and press . (If you do not wish to
attach a signature to your outgoing messages, select
and press .)
3. Enter your signature and press .
44..44 QQuuiicckknnootteess
Your phone is preset with twenty canned messages to help
make sending text messages faster and easier. These
messages, such as “Where are you?,” “Let’s get lunch” and
“Meet me at” can be customized or deleted to suit your needs.
You can even add your own preset messages to the list.
1. Press Right Soft Key
, , , , .
PPiicckk ffrroomm oonnee ooff tthheessee pprreesseett mmeessssaaggeess::
Later Cool
C’ ya Awesome
Miss you On my way
XOXOXO See you later
What’s up? Can’t talk now
Where are you? Talk later
Hey! Got lunch?
Call me Meet me
Happy Birthday
2. To edit or delete a preset message, highlight it and press .
3. Scroll to
and press , edit the selected message
and press
Scroll to [Send Message] and press OK, add recipients(up to10),
and press [Next] and press [Send] to send message.
Scroll to Delete and press , then select Yes to delete the
selected message. (Select No to cancel the deletion.)