Weather animation - Show weather
animation for current location or primary
city set in the Weather app.
Contact info for lost phone - Select
whether to display the owner information
on the lock screen and customize the
owner information.
Lock timer - Allows you to set the
amount of time before the screen
automatically locks after the screen has
Power button instantly locks -
Checkmark to instantly lock the screen
when the Power/Lock Key
Home touch buttons
Select the home touch button
combination, color and if you want to use
a transparent background.
Font type
Select the desired font type.
Font size
Select the desired font size.
Adjust the screen brightness by using the
slider. Tap Auto to set the brightness to
automatically change.
Notification LED
Select which type of notifications to
display the LED light.
Auto-rotate screen
Set to switch orientation automatically
when you rotate the phone.
Screen timeout
Set the time delay before the screen
automatically turns off.
Smart screen
Checkmark this option to keep screen on
when the phone detects your face looking
at the screen.
Screen-off effect
Set the screen off effect used when the
screen turns off.