TWOm User Guide - R1.0.2 - October 7, 2010 32
Voicemail number The number currently stored to call voicemail is displayed below the setting
name. To set or change your voicemail number, tap the setting.
To have MMS messages downloaded automatically, turn this setting on. If
you turn this setting off, messages will download only when you open them
by tapping.
TTY If you plan to attach a TTY device to your phone for making and receiving
phone calls, turn this setting on. While this setting is on, you won’t be able to
hear any audio during a call, so if you want to make a regular call, with audio,
be sure to have this setting off!
With TTY on, you’ll see the TTY icon in the Dashboard.
Note: Cellular-ready TTY devices have a 2.5mm audio jack, but your phone’s
jack is 3.5mm, so you will need a cable adapter when using a TTY device with
the phone.
Telecoil If you plan to use a telecoil device with your phone, turn this setting on.
With telecoil on, you’ll see the telecoil icon in the Dashboard.
Note: Turning telecoil on uses extra battery power.
Emergency tone To hear a special confirmation tone whenever you dial an emergency phone
number, turn this setting on.
Note: You will not hear the emergency tone if your phone’s ringer volume is
set to silent or vibrate.
System select To allow your phone to receive calls and text messages when your mobile
operator’s network is unavailable, select automatic. To prevent your phone
from doing so, select home only.
In certain situations, multiple automatic options may appear:
• Automatic a - You can use any available network in the channel.
• Automatic b - You can use any available network in the channel.
Note: Check with your mobile operator to find out if you’ll be charged extra
when automatic, automatic a, or automatic b is selected.