AC/DC charger Alternating Current/Direct Current charger
Active call The call currently in progress
ALS Alternate Line (Line 2) Service
AoC Advise of Charge - subscription service
CB Cell Broadcast
CLI Caller Line Identity - displays caller’s telephone number
Conversation mode When the phone is making or receiving a call
DES Data Encryption Standard
Diverting Diverts incoming calls to the phone to another number
DTC Desk Top Charger
DTMF Dual Tone Multifrequency Tones
FDN Fixed Dialling Number
GSM Global System for Mobile communications
http HyperText Transfer Protocol
IN Information Numbers of your operator
IP Internet Protocol
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
MMI Man Machine Interface
MMS Multimedia Messaging Service
PIN/PIN2 Personal Identification Number. Supplied by your network/service provider
PPP Point to Point Protocol
PUK/PUK2 PIN Unblocking Key. Used to unlock PIN and PIN2. Supplied by your network/
service provider
QQVGA Quarter Quarter Video Graphics Array
Roaming (Rm) The ability to use your telephone on networks other than your home network.
SDN Service Dialling Number of your operator or service provider
SIM Subscriber Identity Module. Supplied by your network/service provider
SMS Short Message Service
SPN Service Provider Name
SR Status Report - relates to SMS messages
standby mode When the phone is on but not receiving/making a call or menu navigating.
URL Uniform Resource Locator
VGA Video Graphics Array