Section 2
28 Entering Data in Your Phone
Tip: To enter a tab, press Shift and then press Space .
Navigation keystrokes
In addition to character symbols, your phone includes special keystrokes
that you can use to navigate within text or fields in your applications.
Note: Some applications may not support these navigation keystrokes.
Using menus
Menus on your phone are easy to use. Once you have mastered them in
one application, you can use them the same way in all other
The menus and menu commands that are available depend on the
application. Also, the menus and menu commands vary depending on
which part of the application you’re using. For example, in Memo Pad,
the menus are different for the Memo list screen and the Memo edit
The menus of each application are illustrated in the section on that
application in Section Chapter 6. The Edit menu is described in the
section that begins on page 59.
Command Keystrokes
Move cursor right
Hold Option while pressing the bottom scroll button.
Move cursor left
Hold Option while pressing the top scroll button.
Previous field Press the top scroll button.
Next field Press the bottom scroll button.
Affirm an action
Hold Option and press Return . Use these keys
instead of tapping the following onscreen buttons: OK,
Done, Yes, Next, Accept, Send, and Dial.
Annul an action
Hold Option and press Backspace . Use these keys
instead of tapping the following onscreen buttons:
Cancel, No, Previous, and Reject.
Open or dial the selected item
Press Space or press Return .