Remove Programs
Remove Programs enables you to delete any
applications that you have installed.
To remove a program:
1. From the Home Screen, select Start > More
> Settings.
2. Select More... > Remove Programs.
3. Scroll to the application to remove, then
select Menu > Remove.
4. Press Yes to confirm the deletion.
Power Management
Power Management enables you to check the
battery status and configure settings to prolong
battery power.
To view and edit Power Management settings:
1. From the Home Screen, select Start > More
> Settings.
2. Select More... > Power Management.
3. The Main battery: field displays the current
charge level of the battery.
4. Adjust the following settings as required:
Backlight time out on battery: - select the
time period for the backlight to switch off if the
phone is left idle, while the phone is powered
by the battery.
Backlight time out on AC: - select the time
period for the backlight to switch off if the
phone is left idle, while the phone is powered
by the AC charger.
Display time out: - select the time period for
the screen to switch off if the phone is left idle.
5. Press Done when you have finished.
NOTE: Programs that were pre-installed
on your Toshiba phone cannot be removed
in this way.