C-Series Debugging and Diagnostics | 1169
FTOS Switch Agent (SWAGT) monitors the IDP and BDP links on the line cards.
FTOS Link Monitoring task continually polls the status of the IDP and BDP links. If it finds an open link,
the system brings down the link and reports the condition via a message similar to the one shown in
Message 1.
If a backplane link on a line card goes down, the RPM side of the link stays up to avoid duplicate reporting.
Bringing down an IDP or BDP link causes the card to be powered-off and placed into a "card problem -
port pipe problem" state. Use the
show linecard command to view the status of a line card.
If a single BDP link to the active RPM is down, the line card will be placed in an error state. Use the
switch links
command to view the status of the dataplane links, as shown in Figure 60-2.
Figure 60-2. show switch links backplane Command Example
To monitor the status of a virtual SFM, use the show sfm command shown in Figure 60-3. The system
reports an “active” status if all CSF ASICs on the RPM initialize successfully, whether or not any line
cards are installed and the BDP links are up.
Message 1 FTOS Link Monitoring Syslog Message Example
Mar 12 21:01:18: %RPM1-P:CP %SWMGR-1-BDP_LINK_DETECT: Backplane datapath link status for RSM0 Switch
fabric unit# 0 port# 0 => DOWN
!- Describes only the state of the port.
Mar 10 16:58:28: %RPM1-P:CP %SWMGR-1-IDP_LINK_DETECT: Internal datapath link status for Linecard#5
Switch unit# 1 port# 24 and Switch fabric unit# 3 port# 1=> DOWN
!- Describes the state of the link.
Note: These messages are not reported when a line card is reset by a user command.
FTOS#show switch links backplane
Switch fabric backplane link status:
SFM0 Links Status SFM1 Links Status
LC SlotID Port0 | Port1 | Port2 | Port3 | Port4 | Port5 | Port6 | Port7
0 not present
1 not present
2 not present
3 not present
4 not present
5 up up up up up/down up/down up/down up/down
6 not present
7 not present
up - Both ends of the link are up
down - Both ends of the link are down
up / down - SFM side up and LC side down
down / up - SFM side down and LC side up