788 | Power over Ethernet
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View the amount of power that a port is consuming using the show power inline command from EXEC
privilege mode.
Figure 36-2. PoE Allocation Displayed with show power inline Command
Table 36-3 describes the fields that the show power inline command displays:
View the total power consumption of the chassis using the
show power detail command from EXEC
privilege mode.
Figure 36-3. PoE Consumed, Allocated, and Available with show power detail Command
Table 36-3. show power inline Field Description
Field Port Number
Interface Displays all PoE-enabled ports.
Admin Displays the administrative mode of the interface:
• auto indicates that power is supplied according to the requirements of the powered device.
• static indicates that the maximum configured amount of power is supplied to the powered
Inline Power Allocated Displays the amount of power that is allocated to a port when sufficient power is available.
When sufficient power is not available for particular port, then inline power is not supplied to
that port. If you insert an additional power supply, or when the priority of the port is sufficiently
increased, then the system supplies the allocated power to the port.
Inline Power Consumed Displays the amount of power that a powered device is consuming.
Class Displays the type of powered device: Class 0, Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, or Class 4. Displays
NO_DEVICE if no PD is connected.
FTOS(conf-if-range-gi-0/1-48)#do show power inline
Interface Admin Inline Power Inline Power Class User
Allocated Consumed Priority
(Watts) (Watts)
--------- ----- ------------ ------------ ----- ----------
Gi 0/1 auto 0.00 0.00 NO_DEVICE Low
Gi 0/2 auto 7.00 3.20 2 Low
FTOS(conf-if-range-gi-0/1-48)#do show power detail
Unit Total Logic Inline Inline Inline Inline
Power Power Power Power Power Power
Available Consumed Available Allocated Consumed Remaining
(Watts) (Watts) (Watts) (Watts) (Watts) (Watts)
0 470.00 150 320.00 308.00 190.00 12.00