
1206 | E-Series TeraScale Debugging and Diagnostics
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For the transient case, PCDFO errors are not reported to the log. The hardware system automatically
recovers from the error state, and the dataplane continues to function properly. In persistent case, PCDFO
errors will appear in the log, and the error state is likely to remain if not handled.
With PCDFO error data alone, it is impossible to arrive at a conclusion which will pinpoint the cause for
PCDFO error or reason for packets drop. For example, it is quite possible to have multiple line cards/RPM
show different channels with PCDFO error. Nonetheless, PCDFO status is a very useful data point as an
indication of the health of the dataplane, particularly when an error is persistent.
To disable the PCDFO polling feature, use the following command in CONFIGURATION mode.
Detection of a PCDFO event causes the system to generate a message similar to the following.
Events are logged when PCDFO error first occurs on any SFM and when PCDFO error pattern changes.
No automatic action is taken by the system when a DFO error is detected. If such an error is reported, note
the SFM slot number identified in the message and contact Dell Force10 technical support. In addition, to
confirm that the identified SFM needs to be replaced, use the diag sfm all-loopback to execute a manual
dataplane loopback test.
Inter-CPU timeouts
Each RPM consists of three CPUs:
Control Processor (CP)
Routing Processor 1 (RP1)
Routing Processor 2 (RP2)
Task Command Mode
Disable the PCDFO polling feature.
To re-enable, use the no
dataplane-diag disable
dataplane-diag disable dfo-reporting CONFIGURATION
Message 5 PCDFO error detection
%RPM1-P:CP %CHMGR-2-SFM_PCDFO: PCDFO error detected for SFM #