826 | Port Monitoring
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To delete one or more source ports or source VLANs from a mirroring session, enter the no source
destination remote-vlan vlan-id command, specifying the ports to be deleted in the command syntax.
To change the reserved L2 VLAN used in a source session, you can delete the session (
no monitor
command) or remove the current VLAN by entering the complete no source command. Then
re-enter the complete
source command as described above to configure a new reserved VLAN for the
2 source {single-interface |
range {interface-list |
interface-range |
mixed-interface-list} |
vlan vlan-id | range {vlan-list |
vlan-range | mixed-vlan-list}}
destination remote-vlan
vlan-id direction {rx | tx |
range interface-range specifies one of the following
interface ranges:
gigabitethernet slot/first_port - last_port
tengigabitethernet slot/first_port - last_port
port-channel first_number - last_number
A space is required before and after the dash (-).
range mixed-interface-list specifies single interfaces
and interface ranges in any order: single-interface,
interface-range, single-interface...
vlan vlan-id specifies a single VLAN ID.
Range: 1-4094.
range vlan-list specifies multiple VLAN IDs
separated by a comma and space: vlan vlan-id, vlan
vlan-id, vlan vlan-id...
range vlan-range specifies a range of VLANs in the
format: vlan first_vlanID - last_vlanID.
A space is required before and after the dash (-).
range mixed-vlan-list specifies single VLAN IDs
and VLAN ranges in any order: vlan vlan-id, vlan
first_vlanID - last_vlanID, vlan vlan-id...
destination remote-vlan vlan-id associates the
reserved VLAN with the source ports used in this
source session.
direction specifies the incoming/outgoing traffic on
the source port/ to be mirrored: ingress (rx), egress
(tx), or ingress and egress (both).
3 no disable MONITOR
Activate a remote-port mirroring session.
4 flow-based enable MONITOR
(Optional) Enable flow-based mirroring for this
source session to monitor only specified traffic.
See Flow-based Monitoring on page 820 for more
5 Repeat Steps 1 to 4 on other source switches to configure additional source ports for this session.
Configure a Source Session on Multiple Switches
Step Command Syntax Command Mode Task