148 | IP Access Control Lists (ACL), Prefix Lists, and Route-maps
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To apply an IP ACL (standard or extended) to a physical or port channel interface, use these commands in
the following sequence in the INTERFACE mode:
To view which IP ACL is applied to an interface, use the
show config command (Figure 232) in the
INTERFACE mode or the
show running-config command in the EXEC mode.
Figure 8-9. Command example: show config in the INTERFACE Mode
Use only Standard ACLs in the access-class command to filter traffic on Telnet sessions.
Counting ACL Hits
You can view the number of packets matching the ACL by using the count option when creating ACL
entries. E-Series supports packet and byte counts simultaneously. C-Series and S-Series support only one
at any given time.
To view the number of packets matching an ACL that is applied to an interface:
Step Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
interface interface slot/port
CONFIGURATION Enter the interface number.
ip address ip-address
INTERFACE Configure an IP address for the interface, placing
it in Layer-3 mode.
ip access-group access-list-name
{in | out} [implicit-permit] [vlan
INTERFACE Apply an IP ACL to traffic entering or exiting an
out: configure the ACL to filter outgoing
traffic. This keyword is supported only on
Note: The number of entries allowed per
ACL is hardware-dependent. Refer to
your line card documentation for detailed
specification on entries allowed per ACL.
ip access-list [standard |
INTERFACE Apply rules to the new ACL.
Step Task
1 Create an ACL that uses rules with the count option. See Configure a standard IP ACL on page 140
2 Apply the ACL as an inbound or outbound ACL on an interface. See Assign an IP ACL to an Interface on
page 147
FTOS(conf-if)#show conf
interface GigabitEthernet 0/0
ip address
ip access-group nimule in
no shutdown