822 | Port Monitoring
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Remote port mirroring uses the analyzers shown in the aggregation network in Site A.
The VLAN traffic on monitored links from the access network is tagged and assigned to a dedicated L2
VLAN. Monitored links are configured in two source sessions shown with orange and green circles. Each
source session uses a separate reserved VLAN to transmit mirrored packets (mirrored source-session
traffic is shown with an orange or green circle with a blue border).
The reserved VLANs transport the mirrored traffic in sessions (blue pipes) to the destination analyzers in
the local network. Two destination sessions are shown: one for the reserved VLAN that transports
orange-circle traffic; one for the reserved VLAN that transports green-circle traffic.
Figure 38-9. Remote Port Mirroring
Configuring Remote Port Mirroring
Remote port mirroring requires a source session (monitored ports on different source switches), a reserved
tagged VLAN for transporting mirrored traffic (configured on source, intermediate, and destination
switches), and a destination session (destination ports connected to analyzers on destination switches).
Configuration Notes
When you configure remote port mirroring, the following conditions apply:
Reserved VLAN
Monitored VLANs
Monitored Traffic with
Reserved VLAN Tag