Multicast Listener Discovery | 611
Display the MLD Group Table
Clear MLD Groups
Clear a specific group or all groups on an interface from the multicast routing table using the command
clear ipv6 mld groups from EXEC Privilege mode.
Change the MLD Version
Debug MLD
MLD Snooping
Multicast packets are addressed with multicast MAC addresses, which represent a group of devices, rather
than one unique device. Switches forward multicast frames out of all ports in a VLAN by default, even
though there may be only some interested hosts, which is a waste of bandwidth. MLD Snooping enables
switches to use information in MLD packets to generate a forwarding table that associates ports with
multicast groups so that when they receive multicast frames, they can forward them only to interested
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Display MLD groups. Group information
can be filtered, see the FTOS Command Line
Reference for the options available with this
show ipv6 mld {groups | interface} EXEC Privilege
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Change the MLD version.
ipv6 mld version 1
Default: MLD version 2
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Display FTOS messages about the MLD process.
debug ipv6 mld
EXEC Privilege