936 | Security
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FTOS supports both inbound and outbound SSH sessions using IPv4 or IPv6 addressing. Inbound SSH
supports accessing the system through the management interface as well as through a physical Layer 3
For details on command syntax, see the Security chapter in the FTOS Command Line Interface Reference.
SCP is a remote file copy program that works with SSH and is supported by FTOS.
To use the SSH client, use the following command in the EXEC Privilege mode:
To enable the SSH server for version 1 and 2, use the following command in the CONFIGURATION
To enable the SSH server for version 1 or 2 only, use the following command:
To view the SSH configuration, use the following command in EXEC Privilege mode:
Figure 45-6 on page 937 shows the use of the command
ip ssh server version 2 to enable SSH version 2,
and the
show ip ssh command to confirm the setting.
Note: The Windows-based WinSCP client software is not supported for secure copying between a PC
and an FTOS-based system. Unix-based SCP client software is supported.
Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
ssh {hostname | hostip} [-l
username | -p port-number | -v {1 |
EXEC Privilege Open an SSH connection specifying the hostname or
hostip, username, port number, and version of the SSH
hostip is the IP address of the remote device, which can
be an IPv4 address (A.B.C.D)or IPv6 address
Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
ip ssh server {enable | port port-number} CONFIGURATION
Configure the Dell Force10 system as an
SCP/SSH server.
Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
ip ssh server version {1|2} CONFIGURATION
Configure the Dell Force10 system as an SSH server that
uses only version 1 or 2.
Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
show ip ssh EXEC Privilege Display SSH connection information.