1184 | C-Series Debugging and Diagnostics
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Offline diagnostics
The offline diagnostics test suite is useful for isolating faults and debugging hardware.
Diagnostics are invoked from the FTOS CLI. While diagnostics are running, the status can be monitored
via the CLI. The tests results are written to a file in flash memory and can be displayed on screen. Detailed
statistics for all tests are collected. These statistics include:
• last execution time
• first and last test pass time
• first and last test failure time
• total run count
• total failure count
• consecutive failure count
• error code.
The diagnostics tests are grouped into three levels:
• Level 0 checks the device inventory and verifies the existence of the devices (e.g., device ID test).
• Level 1 verifies that the devices are accessible via designated paths (e.g., line integrity tests) and tests
the internal parts (e.g., registers) of the devices.
• Level 2 performs on-board loopback tests on various data paths (e.g., data port pipe and Ethernet).
Configuration task list
1. Take the line card offline. page 1185.
2. Run offline diagnostics. page 1185.
3. View offline diagnostic test results. page 1185.
4. Bring the line card back online. page 1188.
Important points to remember
• Offline diagnostics can only be run on offline line cards and on the standby route processor module
(RPM). The primary RPM cannot be not tested.
• Diagnostics test only connectivity, not the entire data path.
Note: As the SFM on the C-Series is a logical concept only, the FORCE10-CHASSIS-MIB SFM-related
SNMP alarms and traps are not used.
Note: This procedure assumes you have already loaded an FTOS image. These instructions illustrates
the process of running offline diagnostics using line cards, but the process is the same for RPMs. Only the
command keyword linecard must change to rpm. See the Command Line Reference Guide for details.