362 | Force10 Service Agent
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Add actions to a policy action list
Once you create a policy action list, FTOS enters the CALLHOME ACTIONLIST context. The list you
created is initially empty. You may choose one of three pre-defined action lists and add an unlimited
number of custom actions.
Table 16-3. Pre-defined Action Lists
Action List Keyword Actions Executed
exception show processes cpu
show processes memory
show processes communication lp—
all line cards
show tech-support
show trace
show trace hardware
show command history
debug cpu-traffic-stats
show cpu-traffic-stats—
x3,10s interval
show ip traffic —x3,10s interval
no debug cpu-traffic-stats
show cpu-traffic-stats—
x3,10s interval
show ip traffic—x3,10s interval
hardware show tech-support
show trace
show trace hardware
show logging driverlog linecard
—all line cards
show logging driverlog cp
show console lp
—all line cards
show pcdfo
show command-history
show cpu-interface-stats cp—
x2, 5s interval
show environment all
show environment linecard-voltage
software show tech-support
show trace
show trace hardware
show processes communication lp—
all line cards
show processes cpu
show command history
show processes ipc flow-control
show processes ipc flow-control lp—
all line cards
show hardware rpm cp party-bus statistics—x2, 10s interval
show hardware rpm cp data-plane statistics—x2, 10s interval
show hardware rpm rp1 party-bus statistics—x2, 10s interval
show hardware rpm rp1 data-plane statistics—x2, 10s interval
show hardware rpm rp2 party-bus statistics—x2, 10s interval
show hardware rpm rp2 data-plane statisticsq— x2, 10s interval
show cpu-interface-stats cp—x2, 10s interval