Multicast Source Discovery Protocol | 627
Prevent MSDP from Caching a Local Source
You can prevent MSDP from caching an active source based on source and/or group. Since the source is
not cached, it is not advertised to remote RPs.
When you apply this filter, the SA cache is not affected immediately. When sources which are denied by
the ACL time out, they are not refreshed. Until they time out, they continue to reside in the cache. To apply
the redistribute filter to entries already present in the SA cache, first clear the SA cache. You may
optionally store denied sources in the rejected SA cache.
Figure 28-12. Preventing MSDP from Caching a Local Source
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
OPTIONAL: Cache sources that are denied by the
redistribute list in the rejected SA cache.
ip msdp cache-rejected-sa
Prevent the system from caching local SA entries based
on source and group using an extended ACL.
ip msdp redistribute list
R1_E600(conf)#do show run msdp
ip multicast-msdp
ip msdp peer connect-source Loopback 0
ip msdp redistribute list mylocalfilter
ip msdp cache-rejected-sa 1000
R1_E600(conf)#do show run acl
ip access-list extended mylocalfilter
seq 5 deny ip host host
seq 10 deny ip any any
R1_E600(conf)#do show ip msdp sa-cache
R1_E600(conf)#do show ip msdp sa-cache rejected-sa
MSDP Rejected SA Cache
1 rejected SAs received, cache-size 1000
UpTime GroupAddr SourceAddr RPAddr LearnedFrom Reason
00:02:20 local Redistribute