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Figure 18-3. Using the redundancy force-failover rpm Command to Copy Software between RPMs
Specify an Auto-failover Limit
When a non-recoverable fatal error is detected, an automatic failover occurs. However, FTOS is
configured to auto-failover only three times within any 60 minute period. You may specify a different
auto-failover count and period using the command redundancy auto-failover-limit.
To re-enable the auto-failover-limit with its default parameters, in CONFIGURATION mode, use the
redundancy auto-failover-limit command without parameters.
Disable Auto-reboot
Prevent a failed RPM from rebooting after a failover using the command redundancy disable-auto-reboot
Manually Synchronize RPMs
Manually synchronize RPMs at any time using the command redundancy synchronize full from EXEC
Privilege mode.
Switch Fabric Module redundancy
Switch Fabric Module Redundancy is supported on platform: c
Since the RPM on the C-Series also contains the switch fabric, even though the second RPM comes online
as the standby, the switch fabric is active and is automatically available for routing. Change this behavior
using the command
redundancy sfm standby from CONFIGURATION mode. To bring the secondary SFM
online, enter
no redundancy sfm standby. There is sub-second packet-loss anytime an SFM is brought
online or taken offline. Use the command
show sfm all to determine the status of the SFMs on the RPMs.
FTOS#redundancy force-failover rpm
Peer RPM's SW version is different but HA compatible.
Failover can be done by warm or hitless upgrade.
All linecards will be reset during warm upgrade.
Specify hitless upgrade or warm upgrade [confirm hitless/warm]:hitless
Proceed with warm upgrade [confirm yes/no]: