1182 | C-Series Debugging and Diagnostics
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Monitoring hardware components with SNMP
The SNMP traps and OIDs in Table 60-4 provide information on C-Series hardware components.
Table 60-4. SNMP Traps and OIDs
OID String OID Name Description
. chRPMMajorAlarmStatus Fault status of the major alarm LED on the RPM
. chRPMMinorAlarmStatus Fault status of the minor alarm LED on the RPM
. chAlarmRpmUp Trap generated when the status of primary or
secondary RPM changes to up and running
. chAlarmRpmDown Trap generated when the status of primary or
secondary RPM changes to down, either by
software reset or by being physically removed from
the chassis
Line Card
. chSysCardOperStatus Operational status of the card.
• If the chSysCardAdminStatus is up, the valid
state is ready—the card is present and ready and
the chSysCardOperStatus status is up.
• If the chSysCardAdminStatus is down the
service states can be:
• offline: the card is not used.
• cardNotmatch: the card does not
match what is configured
• cardProblem: a hardware
problem has been detected on the
• diagMode: the card is in the
diagnostic mode.
Note: chSysCardFaultStatus is supported only the
. chAlarmCardDown Trap reported when a card operational status
changes to down
. chAlarmCardUp Trap reported when a card operational status
changes to up
. chAlarmCardReset Trap reported when a card is reset
. chAlarmCardProblem Trap reported when a card operational status
changes to card problem
. chAlarmCardMismatch Trap generated when the configured card does not
match the installed card
. chAlarmCardRemove Trap generated when a card is removed
Power Supply Unit