Security | 937
Figure 45-6. Specifying an SSH version
To disable SSH server functions, enter no ip ssh server enable.
Using SCP with SSH to copy a software image
To use Secure Copy (SCP) to copy a software image through an SSH connection from one switch to
another, use the following procedure:
This example shows the use of SCP and SSH to copy a software image from one switch running SSH
Server on UDP port 99 to the local switch:
Figure 45-7. Using SCP to copy from an SSH Server on another Switch
Other SSH-related commands include:
crypto key generate: Generate keys for the SSH server.
debug ip ssh: Enables collecting SSH debug information.
ip scp topdir: Identify a location for files used in secure copy transfer.
ip ssh authentication-retries: Configure the maximum number of attempts that should be used to
authenticate a user.
Step Task Command Syntax Command Mode
1 On Chassis One, set the SSH port
number (port 22 by default).
ip ssh server port number
2 On Chassis One, enable SSH.
ip ssh server enable
3 On Chassis Two, invoke SCP.
copy scp: flash:
4 On Chassis Two, in response to prompts,
enter the path to the desired file and enter
the port number specified in Step 1.
EXEC Privilege
FTOS(conf)#ip ssh server version 2
FTOS(conf)#do show ip ssh
SSH server : disabled.
SSH server version : v2.
Password Authentication : enabled.
Hostbased Authentication : disabled.
RSA Authentication : disabled.
.FTOS#copy scp: flash:
Address or name of remote host []:
Port number of the server [22]: 99
Source file name []: test.cfg
User name to login remote host: admin
Password to login remote host: