686 | Object Tracking
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Figure 31-5. Command Example: track ip route reachability
Figure 31-6. Command Example: track ipv6 route reachability
Tracking a Metric Threshold
To configure object tracking on the metric threshold of an IPv4 or IPv6 route, use the following
commands. To remove object tracking, enter the
no track object-id command.
Step Task Command Syntax Command Mode
1 (Optional) Reconfigure the
default resolution value used by
the specified protocol to scale the
metric for IPv4 or IPv6 routes.
track resolution {ip route | ipv6 route}
{isis resolution-value |
ospf resolution-value}
Range of resolution values:
ISIS routes - 1 to 1000. Default: 1.
OSPF routes - 1 to 1592. Default: 1.
2 Configure object tracking on the
metric of an IPv4 or IPv6 route.
track object-id
{ip route ip-address/prefix-len |
ipv6 route ipv6-address/prefix-len}
metric threshold [vrf vrf-name]
Valid object IDs are from 1 to 65535.
Enter an IPv4 address in dotted decimal format.Valid
IPv4 prefix lengths are from /0 to /32.
Enter an IPv6 address in X:X:X:X::X format. Valid
IPv6 prefix lengths are from /0 to /128.
(Optional) E-Series only: For an IPv4 route, you can
enter a VRF name.
FTOS(conf)#track 104 ip route reachability
FTOS(conf-track-104)#delay up 20 down 10
FTOS#show track 104
Track 104
IP route reachability
Reachability is Down (route not in route table)
2 changes, last change 00:02:49
Tracked by:
FTOS(conf)#track 4 ip route reachability vrf vrf1
FTOS(conf)#track 105 ipv6 route 1234::/64 reachability
FTOS(conf-track-105)#delay down 5
FTOS(conf-track-105)#description Headquarters
FTOS#show track 105
Track 105
IPv6 route 1234::/64 reachability
Description: Headquarters
Reachability is Down (route not in route table)
2 changes, last change 00:03:03
Tracked by: