DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Managed Gigabit Ethernet Switch
RA Max Router
AdvInterval (sec)
Used to set the maximum interval time between the dispatches of router advertisements
by this interface over the link-local network. This entry must be no less than 4 seconds
(4000 milliseconds) and no more than 1800 seconds. The user may configure a time
between 4 and 1800 seconds. The default setting is 600 seconds.
RA Min Router
AdvInterval (sec)
Used to set the minimum interval time between the dispatches of router advertisements
by this interface over the link-local network. This entry must be no less then 3 seconds
and no more than .75 (3/4) of the MaxRtrAdvInterval. The user may configure a time
between 3 and 1350 seconds. The default setting is 198 seconds.
Click Apply to save changes made.
Loopback Interfaces Settings
This window is used to configure loopback interfaces. A loopback interface is a logical IP interface which is always active, until a
user disables or deletes it. It is independent of the state of any physical interfaces.
To view this window, click L3 Features > Interface Settings > Loopback Interfaces Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4- 7. Loopback Interface Settings window
To remove an entry from the table, click its corresponding
under the Delete heading.
Clicking the Add button will reveal the following window to configure:
Figure 4- 8. Loopback Interface Settings – Add window
The following fields can be set or modified:
Parameter Description
Interface Name
The name of the loopback interface. Note: The loopback ipif has the same name domain
space with the regular ipif, so its name can’t be a duplicate with the regular ipif.
IP Address
Enter a 32-bit IPv4 address for the loopback interface.
Subnet Mask
This field allows the entry of a subnet mask to be applied to the loopback interface.
Use the pull-down menu to enable or disable the loopback interface.
Click Apply to implement changes made.