DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Managed Gigabit Ethernet Switch
Save Services
The following three windows will aid the user in saving configurations to the Switch’s memory.
Save Changes
The Switch has two levels of memory, normal RAM and non-volatile or NV-RAM. Configuration changes are made effective
clicking the Save button. When this is done, the settings will be immediately applied to the switching software in RAM, and will
immediately take effect.
Some settings, though, require you to restart the Switch before they will take effect. Restarting the Switch erases all settings in
RAM and reloads the stored settings from the NV-RAM. Thus, it is necessary to save all setting changes to NV-RAM before
rebooting the switch.
To retain any configuration changes permanently, click the Save button in the Save Changes window. The save options allow one
alternative configuration image to be stored.
To view this window, click Save Services > Save Changes, as shown beow.
Figure 9- 3. Save Changes window
The Save Changes options include:
• Save Configuration (Full path) - Users may save the configuration to the internal flash memory of the Switch. To name the
file, click the check box and enter the path of the filename to nominate this file as. All configuration files should start with C:/
. To use this file for configuration it must be designated as the Boot configuration using the Configuration Settings window
(Save Services > Current Configuration Settings).
• Save Log (Only save log) - To save only the current log.
• Save All - To save the current configuration file indexed as Image file 1 and save the current log.
Once the Save button has been clicked, the following window will appear, confirming that the settings have been saved.
Figure 9- 4. Save Settings window