Automated Test Sequences 95
Refer to Figure 4.1.1A and 4.1.1B for the following explanation of the graphical
1. OSPL 90 curve: full-on gain frequency sweep taken at 90 dB SPL.
2. RESP 50 curve: reference test gain frequency sweep taken at 50 dB SPL.
3. FOG: amplitude of the full-on gain measurement.
4. HFA/SPA: three frequency average chosen in the MENU.
5. OSPL 90 HFA: three frequency average of the OSPL 90 curve.
6. MAX: amplitude and frequency of the maximum output of the aid.
7. FOG: full-on gain three frequency average taken at the amplitude of the
response curve.
8. CALC: target reference test gain
9. MEAS: measured reference test gain
10. EIN: equivalent input noise measurement
11. LIM: The response limit level is determined by taking the three frequency
average of the RESP 50 curve and subtracting 20 dB.
F1 is where the RESP 50 curve crosses the response limit level on the way
F2 is where the RESP 50 curve crosses the response limit level on the way
12. TDH: total harmonic distortion measurements and the frequencies and
amplitudes at which they are taken.
13. Ear tested.
14. I/O curves: the input/output measurements taken of AGC aids. Only selected
frequencies are tested.
15. I/O curve selection box: the key to the I/O graph, listing which frequencies
go with which curve.
4.1.2 Defining the Function Keys
[F1]—Selects hearing aid type.
[F2]—Selects I/O frequency (only available with aid type of AGC or ADAPTIVE
[F3]—Sets whether to test I/O frequency selected with F2.
[F5]—Starts the leveling procedure.