Real-Ear Measurements 141
5.5.1 The SPL Display
The information on the SPL screen is similar to the information in the other
real-ear measurement screens. However, in addition to the measurement curves
and the SPL-converted target, the SPL Screen also displays SPL-converted
thresholds and uncomfortable levels, allowing you to directly compare the mea-
surement curves to the audiometric information.
X denotes left thresholds
O denotes right thresholds
denotes the target
U denotes the uncomfortable levels.
Figure 5.5.1—SPL display
5.5.2 Running an SPL Test
This section assumes you have already entered the client’s audiometric data in
the Audiogram Entry Screen, and that you have generated a target. See Section
5.3.3 and 5.3.4 for more details.
1. Place the probe tube into the client’s ear following the instructions provided
in Section 5.2.4.
2. Insert the aid into the client’s ear, being careful not to drag the probe tube
farther into the ear canal (See Figure 5.2.4C). Do not turn the aid on.
3. Instruct the client to remain still when the signal is on.