32 FONIX FP35 Hearing Aid Analyzer
OUTPUT LIMIT—The maximum dB SPL value that the analyzer will allow
when taking coupler measurements. When this value is exceeded, the measure-
ment will automatically stop and the source will turn off.
SPEAKER—Selected source device. Choose INTERNAL to present your signals
through the source connected to the internal speaker jack, EXTERNAL to pres-
ent your signals through the source connected to the external speaker jack, or
AUTO to use the internal jack for coupler tests and the external jack for real-ear
OUTPUT JACK— Status of the external source devices in the coupler screens.
SPEAKER enables only the speaker jack. MONO EAR enables only the left chan-
nel of the earphone jack. STEREO EAR enables both channels of the earphone
jack. ALL ON enables the speaker jack and both channels of the earphone jacks.
See Section 2.5.5 for details.
Real-Ear (only available with Real-Ear Option):
RESET SRC—The default source used in the real-ear measurement screens.
RESET SMOOTHING—Type of smoothing used for real-ear measurements.
Choose ON or LOG. Smoothing rounds off a curve, removing minor peaks.
DEFAULT UNAIDED—The type of unaided measurement used by default.
Choose from CUSTOM, which requires the unaided response to be measured
for each patient, AVG, which uses the KEMAR unaided response, and AUTO,
which sets the unaided response to custom in the insertion gain screens and
average in the SPL screen.
LEVELING AUTO CLEAR—Behavior of real-ear leveling. When set to ON, cur-
rently displayed curves are automatically deleted when leveling the sound field.
When set to OFF, currently displayed curves are unaffected by leveling.
SPEAKER—Selected source device. Choose INTERNAL to present your signals
through the source connected to the internal speaker jack, EXTERNAL to pres-
ent your signals through the source connected to the external speaker jack, or
AUTO to use the internal jack for coupler tests and the external jack for real-ear
OUTPUT JACK—Status of the external source devices in the real-ear screens. SPEAKER
enables only the speaker jack. MONO EAR enables only the left channel of the earphone
jack. STEREO EAR enables both channels of the earphone jack. ALL ON enables the
speaker jack and both channels of the earphone jacks. See Section 2.5.5 for details.
AUTO DURATION—Length of time used by the Real-Ear Auto Test. All settings are in
seconds. Available selections are: 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0.
AUTO TEST—Status of the Real-ear Auto Test. See Section 5.4.3 for details.