General Operation 49
dard size of an insert earphone. The speaker jack was changed from a non-stan-
dard modular plug to a 3.5 mm connector. If you have the new style rear panel,
you can use either the earphone jack or the speaker jack to connect the exter-
nal telecoil board or the Telewand device. You will need a 3.5 mm to 1/4 inch
adapter to use the earphone jack with the new rear panel.
1. Press [MENU] from the Opening Screen.
2. Use [
∨, ∧] to select TELECOIL under COUPLER.
3. Use [<, >] to choose one of the following settings:
• TMFSEARifyouwanttobeabletousetheTelewandintheearphone
jack in coupler mode.
• TCOILEARifyouwanttobeabletousetheTelewandoranexternal
telecoil board in the earphone jack in coupler mode.
• TMFSSPKRifyouwanttobeabletousetheTelewandinthespeaker
jack in coupler mode (new style rear panel only)
• TCOILSPKRifyouwanttobeabletousetheTelewandoranexternal
telecoil board in the speaker jack in coupler mode (new style rear panel
• OFFifyouwanttodisabletelecoilmeasurementsincouplermode.
4. Use [
∨, ∧] to select TELECOIL under REAL-EAR.
5. Use [<, >] to choose one of the following settings:
• TMFSEARifyouwanttobeabletousetheTelewandintheearphone
jack in real-ear mode.
• TMFSSPKRifyouwanttobeabletousetheTelewandinthespeaker
jack in real-ear mode (new style rear panel only)
• OFFifyouwanttodisabletelecoilmeasurementsincouplermode.
(an external telecoil board cannot be used for real-ear measurements)
6. Press [EXIT] to return to the Opening Screen.
7. Enter the measurement screen you want to use to test telecoil and turn on
the telecoil test in that screen. For ANSI measurements, see Sections 4.1.5
and 4.1.6. For Coupler Multicurve measurements, see Section 3.8.7. For real-
ear measurements, see Section 5.7.6.
Testing Location
It is very important to pick a testing location that is free of magnetic disturbanc-
es, especially those caused by fluorescent lights and power lines. To do this:
1. Locate a wide range linear hearing aid with good low frequency response
and a telecoil switch.
2. Set the hearing aid to operate in the telecoil position and turn the gain con-
trol up to its full-on position.