Real-Ear Measurements 117
The client must be in the same position for leveling and real-ear testing—you
can use either a 0º azimuth or a 45º azimuth for leveling, as long as it is consis-
tent with the speaker position used for the real-ear measurements.
Only the larger reference microphone is used during the leveling process.
However, to speed things up and ensure the client is in the same position dur-
ing leveling and during the measurement process, it is recommended that you
insert the probe tube in the client’s ear for the leveling process. See Section
5.2.2 for more details.
To level:
1. Place the earhook on the client’s ear.
2. Position the reference microphone on the earhook’s wedge above the client’s
ear. See Figure 5.2.4B.
3. Insert the probe tube into the client’s ear, if desired. (The probe microphone
is not used during the leveling process.)
4. Position the sound field speaker 12–15 inches from the client’s head, at a 0º
or 45º azimuth. (We recommend 45º azimuth in order to produce the most
repeatable results.)
5. Select the azimuth used in the SOUND FIELD setting in the real-ear menu.
See Section 5.2.5 for details.
6. Press [F5]—LEVEL in any of the real-ear measurement screens.
7. Press [START/STOP]. The instrument will now attempt to level the sound
field speaker.
These are the possible leveling status:
• LEVELED0ºorLEVELED45º—Thelevelingprocesswascorrectwithin2
dB. The azimuth used is indicated.
• UNLEVELED—Thelevelingprocesswasincorrectatleast6dB.You
should check the speaker, client, and reference microphone position and
try to level the instrument again. No azimuth is indicated for this status.
• 0ºor45º—Astatusshowingonlytheazimuthindicatesthattheleveling
process was correct somewhere between 2 dB and 6 dB. Just as with the
UNLEVELED status, you should check the speaker, client, and reference
microphone position and try to level the instrument again. However, if
repeated attempts fail to reach a leveled status, you can consider this
stage “good enough.” Be aware that measurements when the instrument
is in the in-between stage will not be as accurate as measurements taken
when the sound field is leveled.
Note: The environment should be quiet during leveling. Noise can affect the lev-
eling results, though the FP35 does use measurement methods to minimize the
impact of external noise.